Thursday, October 13, 2011

Treatment for Diarrhoes - Natural Treatment for Diarrhoea

The Leaves of plant which grows in the jungles of Myanmar (Burma) are used for the treatment of diarrhoea by the people of the villages and those who live in the hilly areas with no access to medicines. The plant, commonly known as Mashaw has been botanically identified as Euonymous Kachinensis – presumably because it is found in the Kitchen area of the country. If an infant has diarrhoea than smaller leaves are given to the child. If an adult gets diarrhoea, a larger number of bigger leaves are given. This property of the plant has never been mentioned in any book read by the author.

This plant may not be available in India but there are many plants growing in India which are widely used to treat diarrhoea. In addition old text books on traditional medicine and Ayurvedic and Unani list several such plants. The fruit known as it has a high mucilage and pectin content which will counteract diarrhoea. A drink is made from the pulp of the unripe fruit. It should be freshly prepared and given to the patient. This is a simple and easy remedy but can only be used when the fruit is in season.

If a child has diarrhoea, then the roots of the plant Cyperus rotundus should be given. The recommended dosage is 1-2 gm along with honey, three times a day. These simple remedies have stood the test of time. If they were not effective probably they would not be in use today. The World Health Organisation in a recent publication has stated unequivocally that no allopathic drugs should be used for the treatment of diarrhoea as all the available drugs induce serious side effects.

Both WHO and UNICF recommend that the treatment of a person or child with diarrhoea should be by administering Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) which replaces the fluids and electrolytes, that is the sodium and potassium lost in diarrhoea. Coconut water in several countries is used as an excellent alternative. Diarrhoea is a self-limiting condition and passes off soon.

However, there is still need of a simple non-toxic herbal preparation in certain types of diarrhoea. None of the plant substances have really been scientifically tested to find out how they act. It is hoped that national and international authorities will take a fresh look at some of the plants mentioned here. If such an investigation is launched, there are a few other plants which should also be looked at.

The dried resin of the plant Acacia catechu is used traditionally for the treatment of diarrhoea in Thailand. Several Plants are commonly used in Indonesia. These include the roots of the Japanese cucumber, the roots of the pomegranate fruit plant, the soft leaf of cone flower and the betel nut. The powdered drug is boiled in water and used for this purpose. Acacia catechu is known here as kikar and is commonly used as a thony hedge.

Both Indian and Thai publications also mention that the bark of the plant is used in diarrhoea. The WHO publication on Medicinal Plants in China lists twenty plants which are used in the country for treating diarrhoea. Among these several are available in India, also such as Terminalia chebula (Harra) Piper nigrum (Papali or long peper) and Eclipta prostrata. The time is right to assess these herbal remedies for this common condition.


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